Monday, October 14, 2013


I have been doing much thinking about our country and the situation it is in. I think the protest
are good and I am sorry our media didnot cover the events.

I don't think they will do much good because of apathy. The majority of our country either
doesn't care or they don't realize what is happening. We are concerned only for today with not
much thought for the future.

The people  the government shut down has touched the most are the ones who work for
the government or get most of their support from the government. Their only concern is get it
back up and running so they can work or get benefits.I am included in that number as I get
Social Security.It will all come crashing down one day but we think not in our time.

America is like the old story about a frog if you put it into boiling water it will jump out but if you put it in cold and gradually heat it up it will not.We as a country are like that frog one thing at a time is being taken
away or a new tax here a new fee there and we don't even realize what is going on.

So many of us are dependent upon the government. It would be a great parnership if the
government was really doing what is best for the country and its people.

Until next time
God Bless

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