Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May ETC Catch Up

It has been a while since I have made an entry. It has been a busy time. Another season of life full of

We have been moving most of the time back up to Lake Royale in our little camper house. My advice
to anyone who will take heed don't ever downsize and then upsize again. We moved 18 months ago from our camper and into a very nice doublewide because of Mama being in wheelchair. Of course we had alot more space and of course somehow it got all filled up with stuff. So one again we are having to get rid of a lot of stuff we can't use.

It is a bit tight with all the dogs. My daughter is keeping 2 of them and we squeezed 3 of them in with us
It will take some getting use to being back in smaller housing but the Lake is great and we like it.

I will make a few entries to play catch up. Don't want to bore you with to much details

Please read and share and if you can and will click on some of the advertisements

Until next time
God Bless

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